Wednesday, July 28, 2010

well then...

I should probably get better at updating this thing.

Of course, I say that A LOT. it just never seems to get done. well I guess it's time for an update, once again. so everything you might have read in my prior entry is pretty much no longer relevant to anything going on right now. let's see... where to begin...

Well I have been working at the Victoria's Secret at the lehigh valley mall here at home for almost 2 months. things have been going well... I have made a lot of new friends (and continuing to make new friends since I seem to meet someone new every time I go in for a shift!). unfortunately, even though I love working for the company, they just don't have the hours right now for everyone they have working there. SO, it was time to find a new job. and guess what - I got one! (: I applied for a provisional position out where my mom works (The Hartford, AARP), and if I do well after 3 months, they can make me an actual employee. it's monday thru friday, 11:20-8 pm... and it pays well. I'm still going to keep my job at VS just in case things don't work out... so that is definitely good news!

Oh yeah - I'm not moving to Montana!!..oh, and Ian's coming home! yeah, talk about your 360 turn around. this, my friends, is a very long story, and one I'm not going to share on here, but here's the short version: I'm leaving to go out there on monday [4 days!!] and I will be out there for awhile... then we're taking his car and we're road tripping it back home to PA! and the best part is, we're stopping at some places along the way and meeting up with some of my friends so I will FINALLY get to meet them, which is VERY exciting for me! and we'll be going to a family reunion out with his grandparents on our way home as well! It's going to be a lot of fun and I'm so excited to be getting my fiance back for good! :)

As for school... nothing yet. we're seeing how this job out at the Hartford goes, and if it goes well and I become like a full time employee and everything, they'll help with my tuition so that I can finish school for my communications degree!

So pretty much, all is good in the world of nikki! :)


Niy said...

Hooray for things being good in the life of Nikki! Take a pit stop in WA on your roadtrip, haha.