Sunday, July 10, 2011

I Have Moved On...

Please follow me on my new blog:

Thursday, March 24, 2011


So my beginning...

was not as good as I was hoping! I guess it didn't help that the week I decided to start all of this, was the week of my birthday :/ oops. well the week started off well and I was working on my wii fit and stuff like that. but as it got closer to the weekend, things started going downhill again. lol we did a lot of stuff over the weekend (like visiting friends, went for hibachi for my birthday dinner, etc)... so all the work I had done at the beginning of the week, was pretty pointless :(

I really need a lot of determination and will power and I know there are so many things I want to look good for (the beach, my CA trip, my wedding, etc)... and you would think those would all be really good motivation, but I'm not able to keep it up. and the part really holding me back is the whole eating well thing... I don't have the money to keep by all this stuff that is supposed to be "good" for you - and there is no one in my house hold that is really helping me... so its hard to do it all on my own... the other hard part is having a job with set lunches and breaks, which change almost every day...

I need helppppppp! :(

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 1.

Alright... here we go...

Okay, I'm going along with Erika on this and posting for the world to see what my progress is along the way. Now I'm not going to start with a video post... I wanted to but I didn't get a chance to. but I did do my Wii Fit tonight, and I weighed myself before I started, so I could get an idea of what my starting point was. so here we go...

I HATE this. and I can't believe I let myself get to this point. But I'm going to do my best to get back to the person I want to be. if anyone has any tips or anything please feel free to comment! and I hope I can get everyone's support with this! :) I love you all.

Friday, March 11, 2011

hello march.

I think I need to add blogger to my favorites.... :)

I don't ever get on here nearly as often as I should because I don't ever remember to come on. haha oh well. I should be getting on here more often because I've decided that I'm going to do the blog challenge with Erika for the weight loss. having a way to keep yourself honest might be something I need. but I'm excited to get back to the gym because I'm not happy with the way I am... and I want to be. SO... hopefully starting that will help a little.

I will be updating more as of Sunday night or Monday!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Why can't I EVER keep this dumb things up to date?!

I wouldn't even know where to start if I wanted to update. I think its been since like, October, since I last updated. nothing too exciting has happened. I have just been working, working... oh yeah and more working! I made it through my first 4th quarter in the business world, and let me tell you... it was one heck of a roller coaster. it definitely took a toll on me both emotionally and mentally... it was insane. but I made it through and now things are finally starting to slow down.

Everything with work really started to take its toll on everything else in my life... especially with Ian. we had a very hard time transitioning to him being home, we ended up fighting a lot - but that has all since gotten better :) and I couldn't be happier! he's the one thing keeping me going right now.

Other than that, nothing too exciting going on. just taking it one day at a time. I feel like every time I come on here it is just to update something - but I'm really going to do my best to try and keep it up more often! We shall see what is to come!

goodnight ♥