Thursday, March 24, 2011


So my beginning...

was not as good as I was hoping! I guess it didn't help that the week I decided to start all of this, was the week of my birthday :/ oops. well the week started off well and I was working on my wii fit and stuff like that. but as it got closer to the weekend, things started going downhill again. lol we did a lot of stuff over the weekend (like visiting friends, went for hibachi for my birthday dinner, etc)... so all the work I had done at the beginning of the week, was pretty pointless :(

I really need a lot of determination and will power and I know there are so many things I want to look good for (the beach, my CA trip, my wedding, etc)... and you would think those would all be really good motivation, but I'm not able to keep it up. and the part really holding me back is the whole eating well thing... I don't have the money to keep by all this stuff that is supposed to be "good" for you - and there is no one in my house hold that is really helping me... so its hard to do it all on my own... the other hard part is having a job with set lunches and breaks, which change almost every day...

I need helppppppp! :(


Erika said...

Hey Hun, Have you looked into WW? I know it works well for people, especially when you want to stick to regular food rather than completely switching over to WAY healthy food. You basically count points. The program I'm on is rather strict, expensive (grocery wise) and it cuts out A LOT of the tastey stuff I normally like to eat, lol.

If you want something bad enough, you'll push yourself to succeed.