Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Weekend

God is good, all the time - All the time, God is good.

So... pretty much, this has been an extremely interesting weekend...

FRIDAY: Friday started out horribly. I woke up and my mom told me I was an embarrassment and a disappointment. umm wow...okay? It was all because I wore the same long sleeve shirt to bed two nights in a row. I went to a youth convention this weekend, so all my sweatshirts and long sleeve shirts were washed and packed. I got cold in the middle of the night, so I just grabbed that shirt. So my mom told me I was an embarrassment and a disappointment. School stunk too. It drug on and on. I came home to get my stuff to go to church, and my mom came home like 5 min before I left. Still wasn't talking to me. So I left for the weekend without my mom saying goodbye or I love you to me. It literally broke my heart. I cried the whole way to church.

Things started getting better when I finally got to retreat. Had an AMAZING service Friday night. It was a great opener, and it was about struggles, and everything he said hit right on target with the way I was feeling, but that was just the beginning :)

SATURDAY: Day two of retreat. We had two great services! the first morning one was about how God knows us and what's really on the inside, and how people that we should really be praying for are not ourselves, but the people who don't know him. Then we had a kick-ass volleyball tournament. Our team only made it to the second round but oh well! haha it was fun! Then I took a nap, did stuff around the room and went to the night service. That one was about the "lost coins" or the people who don't know Jesus, and how God is calling us all to look for those "lost coins". It was a GREAT services!

And after everything that far, I really felt something working in me. I am going to a christian college (VFCC), and was originally going for digital media communications, but after this weekend, I'm considering switching my major to youth ministries (working with teenagers and stuff). Its hard to explain, and probably anyone who has ever been to a retreat or convention can tell you its tough to express what is going through your mind and you. It was a very spiritual time!

TODAY (SUNDAY): Last day of retreat :( I wasn't ready to come home. One last great session on being strong and courageous, which is exactly what I needed before I came home. Made a lot of new friends, and met a lot of great people! it was an amazing experience, as always! Then I had to come home...

Got back to church around 3, came home and showered and stuff. My mom called and told me she was still mad at me. But I prayed about it and I told myself it was in God's hands. About half an hour later, mom called and told me they were going out, they'd be home soon to get me, then she told me she loved me. We ended up talking and everything. She's still bring rough on me, but not as bad. She threatened to not let me go to Germany or college.

Needless to say - its been an interesting weekend :)



Amy said...

The Lord is SO amazing. I'm glad both of us have that in common--We know the Savior's love for us is so strong. To know I have a purpose here on earth is such a reassurance when things are difficult.
I'm so glad you had a wonderful time at your convention! Love you girlfriendd...